If you have found this video helpful, why not subscribe to @twinklresourcesofficial for more videos like this! Sign up to Twinkl for ....
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It takes on average 12 years for a plant or animal to be added to the .
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This presentation is a brief primer on the .
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Today we will learn about .
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endangeredanimals #savetheworld #science #primaryworld #homeschool .
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The Addax, also known as the white antelope, is a species of antelope that is native to the Sahara desert in Africa. They are ....
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English Language Form .
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The Sumatran Tiger is a majestic and powerful predator, and is .
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The Black-footed Ferret is a species of ferret native to North America and is .
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We explore some ponds and creeks in the Willamette valley, when fire activity keeps us out of the mountains. We find bullfrogs ....
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Many different kinds of wildlife across the world are in danger, but we've created a world's most .
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A video I made about a year ago, but have been editing ever since. The beginning of the video shows a lot of cruelty on poaching ....
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Wildlife trafficking is a major threat to animals & plants worldwide, but when we all work together, we can save .
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No description available.
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... endangered animals bear endangered animals starting with b best endangered animals no..
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Endangered Animals Endangered Animals of 2022shortsytshortscapcut
Subscribe and watch full version of the songs and funny shows uploaded every week. ☆ YouTube Channel: /@ChuChuTV Check ....
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Reporters: Eric Gau/Rick Yi A new study finds that about 20 percent of all reptile species are under threat. #ReptileSpecies ....
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